The highlight of my day has been receiving a mail from my younger brother Erik who is currently studying at Birzeit University, Ramallah.
While I have basically stayed at at home Erik is quite good at living his life the way one should; as an ongoing journey, both metaphorically and literally. Next stop for him (much to our mothers dismay, though she is just as proud of him as I am) is Sudan where he'll go after christmas.
What makes me proud is not only how he carries himself through life, it is also the things he is able to accomplish along the road. He wrote a very interesting bachelor thesis on Hizbullah (development studies) this spring and today he got published in the Norwegian weekly news magazine New Time .
You can find his essay printed on page 30-31, and in both an English and a Norwegian pdf version for downloading if you scroll to the bottom of this site.
He writes about what courage is in a way that makes his older brother profoundly proud to be just that.
(PS his bachelor thesis is available online through this site. A bit different from the ones you normally browse. You find it if you scroll down, under related documents)
Hey Erik,
I already told Tor how much I liked ur article. So, now I tell you. I really like ur way of writing and am eagerly waiting for your first book! :-) At least I hope I'll get to read more from you. Good luck on all your trips and an amazing time in Africa.
It is a great article.. It really makes you reflect on things...
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